Home Ownership
Homeownership is an important part of the American way of life, and there may never be a better time to build than today. Your buying power has never been greater. Interest rates are at historical lows. New homes are more energy efficient, require less maintenance, and can be designed to meet just about any need or desire you may have.
Your home is an investment. When you own your home, you can deduct the cost of your mortgage loan interest from your federal income taxes, and usually from your state taxes. This will save you a lot each year, because the interest you pay will make up most of your monthly payment for most of the years of your mortgage. You can also deduct the property taxes you pay as a homeowner. In addition, the value of your home may go up over the years. Finally, you'll enjoy having something that's all yours - a home where your own personal style will tell the world who you are.
If you’ve been dreaming of improving your home or building a new one, stop dreaming and take action!
No mater what your needs are, !st Choice Builders can make it happen.
Call today for a free no obligation consultation